Specialist Notes:

Each client has their preferred browser(s) and required settings for their LMS. A support specialist should be familiarized with the supported browsers and required settings for each client. More information on a client’s supported browser can be found in the middle section of eToolz or Solution Information in the Ticket Window. Depending on the issue, we can advise the user to make the necessary changes in an attempt to resolve the issue. Below are the settings for each browser that you can refer to when assisting users.  


A supported browser for most clients such as DisasterReady and most DOC bureaus. Google Chrome works best with courses designed with HTML5. HTML5 has been designed to deliver almost everything you'd want to do online without requiring additional software such as browser plugins.

Required Settings: 

- Java – Google Chrome no longer supports Java 

- Popups – Must be set to ‘Allow’ 

- Other settings – Images and Sound should also be set to ‘Allow’ 

Required Settings: 

- Java – Should be enabled 

- Popups – Should be disabled 


Another supported browser for most clients. Microsoft Edge was released with Windows 10. 

Required Settings: 

- Java – Microsoft Edge no longer supports Java 

- Popups – Should be disabled 


Safari (used by Mac users) is not commonly seen and is a supported browser for a handful of clients. Users who experience course-related issues in Safari are often asked to switch to another browser.  

Required Settings: 

- Java – Safari no longer supports Java 

- Popups – Should be disabled 


Firefox is not commonly seen as well and is a supported browser for a few clients.  

Required Settings: 

- Java – Firefox no longer supports Java 

- Popups – Should be disabled

Standard Response: